Gallery of Links
On this page, you will find links to high-quality resources intended to help supplement student learning. As virtual learning has become part of the new norm having sites that are teacher-approved and recommended will help students to build their independence and become lifelong learners.
This site has over 400 educational and fun games for students in Pre-Kindergarten to 6th grade. Each game is easy for students to follow which helps to build independence. Common core state standards are taken into account with the creation of each game. Math, lanuage arts, science, social studies, art & music, typing, and writing are all represented in the games throughout the site.
This is a free site that scaffolds typing techniques for students. Students are unable to move to the next level until they have achieved mastery. There are typing games incorporated through each of the levels that students find engaging and fun.
This site provides engaging videos and lessons in multiple subject areas including science, social studies, math, English, health, arts & music, social-emotional learning (SEL), and engineering and technology. BrainPOP is an excellent resource to supplement classroom curriculum. There are also two variations of BrainPOP: BrainPOP Jr. which is geared towards lower elementary and BrainPOP ELL for English Language Learners.
This is site is a learning platform for students where they can creatively demonstrate their understanding of a subject/standard. Seesaw allows for collaboration between teachers through the community lessons feature and collaboration between students, families, and teachers on student assignments.
This site helps to build classroom community, communication between parents and teachers, and support classroom management. Students enjoy choosing which monster will represent them and seeing their work showcased in their own digital portfolios. Parents enjoy the class stories feature to get updates and photo of classroom happenings.
This free site will help to supplement students across all grade-level math curriculums with videos. The videos provide students with a visual of how to solve a problem and apply their classroom knowledge.
This free site will help students to practice their math fluency. Students are able to practice the four basic operations: adding, subtracting, multiplication and division. This site allows students to practice their facts in a more engaging way instead of flashcards.
This site can be used as a support in mathematics, language arts, science, social studies, and spanish. It personalizes their level based on a diagnostic assessment. This site provides educators with recommendations for interventions that could be provided.
This site supports students reading instruction. Following a baseline, diagnostic students will follow a pathway to support the need of a literacy learner. The site provides educators with real-time data of areas of strengths for students and areas they may need more support in.
This site offers a variety of books for students to read online. Provides a variety of lessons that can be integrated into a classroom's curriculum. Allows educators to track what their students are reading.