About a month ago I was encouraged to start asking questions. After asking those questions I was asked to dig a little deeper and analyze those questions I came up with. With significant time spent digging into those questions, there was one that stuck out to me. That question was, “How can I make more cross-curricular connections?” This question stuck out to me because it is something that is often discussed within my school as a solution for integrating more environmental aspects into my lessons. While there have been attempts to make these cross-curricular connections within my school, I still felt there was a lot of room for growth. This led me to use this question for my Wicked Problem and see what potential solutions I could find to solve this problem.
After doing some research, sending out a survey, and doing some more research this led me to the creation of my Wicked Problem Presentation. In order to access my presentation head over to joinpd.com (or click the image below) and enter code dth ksm. Within my presentation, you will explore results of the survey that was sent out, benefits of making cross-curricular connections and strategies on how you can start making cross-curricular connections. While exploring the presentation there are some interactive features. These features include audio so that you can listen (click on the headphone icon in the bottom right-hand corner), written responses for you to share your thoughts, and links for you to view.
Once you have had the opportunity to view my presentation, start digging into making your own cross-curricular connections. I have created a Padlet that contains some resources if you are having a difficult time getting started. If you are not having any trouble getting started and have some resources you would like to share please head over to the Padlet and share.
"The goal of cross-curricular planning is to engage students in deeper level thinking by combining relevant content areas." (DeWilde, 2019). In order to accomplish this, it takes a team effort and when educators collaborate with one another the easier making these connections will become.
DeWilde, J. (2019). 5 ways to make cross-curricular connections. The art of education university. https://theartofeducation.edu/2019/09/10/5-ways-to-make-cross-curricular-connections/
Jansen, C. (2021). Cross-curricular connections. [Screenshot]. https://app.peardeck.com/student/tsloyjuje